Thomas Williams

Associate Professor, Computer Science

Thomas Williams


Brown Hall 280J
Personal web page


  • Ph.D., Computer Science: Cognitive Science, Tufts University. Dissertation: Situated Natural Language Interaction in Uncertain and Open Worlds Committee: Matthias Scheutz (Chair), Jan P. de Ruiter, Anselm Blumer, Candace Sidner
  • M.S., Computer Science, Tufts University.
  • B.A., Computer Science, Hamilton College.



“My research broadly focuses on artificial intelligence for human-robot interaction, especially problems involving natural language understanding and generation in uncertain and unknown environments. My work is strongly informed by work in cognitive science, especially theories from linguistics and cognitive psychology.”


Honors and Awards

  • New and Future AI Educator Award, EAAI, 2017.
  • New and Future AI Educator Award, Invited second year participant, EAAI, 2018.
  • Teaching Fellowship, Tufts Graduate Institute for Teaching, 2015.
  • Doctoral Consortia, YRRSDS 2014, HRI 2015, AAAI 2016.