Qi Han
Professor, Computer Science
CTLM 255
Personal Web Page
Dr. Han has received multiple grants from the National Science Foundation. She also collaborates internationally with Northwestern Polytechnic University in China, CSIRO in Australia, and Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- Ph.D. Computer Science University of California-Irvine 2005
“At a high level, my research is within the realm of networking and distributed systems. More specific research areas include cyber physical systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), mobile sensing, and robotic sensor networks. I design algorithms, develop techniques, and build systems to enable pervasive and mobile computing applications, where mobile robots, stationary sensors and humans interact with each other to accomplish a certain mission. In addition, I apply my research in interdisciplinary projects such as environmental monitoring, energy efficient homes, oil refinery inspection, and underground mine safety. More detailed information about my research can be found at the Pervasive Computing Systems Research Group I direct.”