CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2016

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Nico Pampe

This assignment was to create a google map aplication were users can mark their locations. The locations are saved in a local database. In addition, when a marker is pressed, a weatherWebApp api is called that shows the user the tempature and overcast of the location.

Here is a crud image of the project for assignment 4. Our task was to implement an additional sesor in from the title ball lab. I deciced to explore the light sensor and have it effect the brightness of the screen. When the device is in low light, the screen brightness is dimmed. When the device is around brighter light, the screen brightness is increased.

Third assignment was to finish the activity from the book. This involved creating a crime activity report. The app lets the users create crime reports, fill out information, and choose suspects of the crime. Through the project, we learned how to get android to access permisions and handle fragments.

Second assignment was to build TicTacToe. I made it a fight between the assassins and the templars. This project required a lot of work keeping track of the different variable beign moved from activity to activity. Also, every view needed to save it's variables if the oriantation was changed.

Yay! We did our first assignment. We built off of our labs and made a more advanced game. There is now true/false, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions. Also, the a score was added that keeps track of how many question have been answered correctly.