CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2016

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"Kyle Thistlewood"

Assignment 1

This assignment was a basic quiz game that had multiple choice, true/false, and free response questions. The app also kept track of the user's score based on what they got right and wrong.

Assignment 2

This assignment was a tic tac toe game. I used Duke and UNC as my two buttons. The main goal of the game was to pass intents around activities and make sure that the data doesn't change. Also this app won't change when you go into landscape view for any of the activities.

Assignment 3

This assignment was an app that would help a detective keep track a list of crimes and suspects. The app uses fragments and displays two panes in landscape view. The user is also allowed to use a camera to take a picture of the crime, use the contacts to choose from a list of suspects, and can send a crime report using an implcit intent.

Assignment 4

This assignment was a simple space shooter game. The asteroids fall from the top of the screen and you shoot them. You get 3 lives to get points. I used two sensors, one for the movement of the player with an accelerometer and the other was a light sensor that was used to change the color of the player

Assignment 5

This assignment was a google maps interface that allowed you to place markers on your current location and view that date and weather at that time.