CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2016

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Kevin Lannen

Quiz App

This app is an extension of the Geo Quiz app from the Big Nerd Ranch Android programming book. It was extended to enable more question types and to keep score.

Fill in the blank

To enable the different options a text box and a submit button were added. The code compares the entered string with the correct answer and increments the score if correct.

Multiple Choice

To enable the different options buttons were used for each option. The code checks the input that was selected and increments the score if correct.

True False

True and False questions were left the same as in the book example.

Tic Tac Toe

This app is a simple game of tic tac toe complete with an options screen to select which player goes first and to enable single player and two player gameplay. The game keeps track of score and has an option to reset the score.

Welcome Screen

The welcome activity is responsible for starting the Play and Options activities and passing the settings and score between them.

Options Screen

The options activity allows the user to change game settings and reset the score. It saves state so that it can rotate to a landscape view. The settings are passed back to the Welcome Activity when the user navigates back.

Play Screen

The play activity enables the game play and enforces the options that were selected in the options screen. When single player mode is selected the ai randomly chooses an empty space to play in. The board state is stored in a set of boolean arrays that enable them to be easily stored and restored from the bundle. The play activity uses separate views for landscape and portrait mode to ensure that all the controls remain on the screen in a usable manner

Play Screen Landcsape

Criminal Intent

This assignment implements an application that allows the user to input crimes into a list, view and edit the crimes, save a picture of the crime, and send a text to the person that committed the crime.

Empty List of Crimes

The app opens to an empty list that allows the user to add a crime. In landscape the list is shown on the side with space for the edit fields to the right side. The crimes are displayed in a

Editing a Crime

Adding a crime opens a new fragment where the crime can be edited. In landscape mode the fragment is shown alongside the list.

Editing a Crime in Landcsape

Crime Viewpager

The edit crime list can be swiped side to side to move between crimes without returning to the list.

A4 Hungry Blobs

This assignment implements a game where the object is to grow your blob to a large size by eating smaller blobs without getting eaten by a larger blob and having to start over.

Small Blob At Start

The game starts with a small blob in the center and predator and prey blobs surrounding it.

Growing Blob

The player moves the phone around to control where the blob gos. Running into smaller blobs eats them, larger blobs eat you and you start over.

Large Blob

A5 Map It!

This assignment displays a map that records and displays user check-ins. The user presses the floating action button to add a check-in. When this happens the app zooms into that location on the map, retrieves the weather for that location, and stores the weather and location on the phone so that the pin can be displayed when the app is later reopened. Clicking on a marker shows the coordinates as the marker title and creates a snackbar showing the weather at check-in time. The app has a button to clear the history from the map and the database.

Startup Map View

Pin Placed

Pin Details