
· Android IconLab01 · GeoQuiz IconLab02 · Criminal Intent IconLab03 · Criminal Intent IconLab04 · Criminal Intent IconLab05 · Criminal Intent IconLab06 ·
· Android IconLab07 · Android IconLab08 · Photo Gallery IconLab09 ·


· Android IconA1 - This is Jeopardy! · GTW IconA2 - Global Thermonuclear War · Criminal Intent IconA3 - Criminal Intent ·

App Description Screenshots
Android Icon
This App follows BNR GeoQuiz through Ch. 2. It presents the user with multiple True/False questions to answer. Lab01C True False
Android Icon
This is Jeopardy!
This App presents the user with a series of questions that are either True/False, Multiple Choice, or Fill in the Blank. The user's score is tracked as the user answers all of the questions and congratulates the user upon answering all questions correctly. The user cannot answer the same question twice in an attempt to increase their score. A1 True False A1 Multiple Choice A1 Fill-in-the-Blank
GeoQuiz Icon
This App follows BNR GeoQuiz through Ch. 5. It allows the answer to cheat at a question through use of a second activity. All challenges were completed to keep track if a user cheated on a question and then never let the user gain credit for answering the question again. This is accomplished by stashing a Bundle throughout the Activity Life Cycle process. There is also a pretty landscape layout for both activity screens. Lab02C Cheat Screen Lab02C Cheated Screen A1 Fill-in-the-Blank
GTW Icon
Global Thermonuclear War
This App presents the user with a Tic-Tac-Toe game using the Alliance and Empire emblems from Star Wars. The App is made up of three different activities and use Intents, Extra, & Results to pass game play information back and forth. There is a pretty landscape layout. Additionally, all loopholes have been closed to prevent the user from cheating at the game or losing track of the overall game score. There is a simple AI and more intelligent computer player as well. GTW Game Play GTW Landscape GTW Option Screen
CriminalIntent Icon
This App follows BNR CriminalIntent through Ch. 8. It presents the user with the opportunity to enter the details of a crime. The user can also check if the crime has been solved or not. Lab03 Crime Details Screen Details Landscape
CriminalIntent Icon
This App follows BNR CriminalIntent through Ch. 10. It now displays a list of crimes to the user that the user can scroll through. Each crime has its title, datetime, and current solved status displayed on the list screen. Selecting a crime brings up the corresponding details screen from Lab03. If the details are editted, then the change is reflected in the list as well. This app includes the challenge of efficient item reloading. Lab04 Crime List Screen Lab04 Crime Details Screen
CriminalIntent Icon
This App follows BNR CriminalIntent Ch. 11 & 13. The ViewPager is able to swipe left or right to change the details being displayed. There is now a toolbar to add a new crime, delete a crime, or go back to the listing view. Lab05 Crime List Screen
CriminalIntent Icon
This App follows BNR CriminalIntent Ch. 15 & 16. Implicit Intents are used to choose a suspect, call the suspect, and take a photo of the crime for documentation. Lab06 Crime Details Screen
Criminal Intent Icon
Criminal Intent
This App added BNR CriminalIntent Ch. 12 & 17. A date and time can be selected for the crime. Additionally, a two-pane layout is accessible to quickly toggle between crime details. Criminal Intent Date Picker Dialog Criminal Intent Two-Pane Layout
Android Icon
This App expanded on the Tilt Ball example to allow the accelerometer sensor to control the movement of the ball. The ball rolls towards the direction the phone is being tilted. Lab07 Tilt Ball
Android Icon
This App uses OpenGL ES 2.0 to display a 3D color cube. The user can swipe left/right or up/down to rotate the cube. Lab08 Color Cube
Photo Gallery Icon
This App follows BNR Ch. 23, 24, & 26 to query Flickr for new images. It makes use of the network, background services, and notifications. As an extra, the user is able to endlessly scroll through images. Lab09 Photo Gallery