CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2016

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Graceanna Petty

Map Your Adventures!

This is an app that can detect your location and create a marker for you to remember what time you were at the location as well as the weather and other details. There is an internal database that allows you to add to your memories and relive them whenever you choose. Or if you are tired of being stuck in past you can clear the database at the touch of the button to pave the way for your new adventures!

TiltBall 2: The Great Trip

This is a simple game where the player controls the smaller ball by tilting the device. In addition, there are two modes: a light mode and a dark mode. One switches between modes by changing the ambient light. If the smaller ball touches the larger ball when in the dark mode then its color will be changed to that of the larger ball at the time of the collision.

Criminal Intent

Above is the view that would be displayed if one wanted to view only one crime. In this view one can edit the data fields for the crime and add more data. From this screen you can go to the list of all of the crimes as well shown below

In the landscape view of this app you can see both the list and the screen to edit an individual crime.

Tic Tac Toe

Above is the welcome screen for my tic tac toe game. From this you can go start the game or go to the options menu.

This is the landscape layout of the options screen that allows users to change the grid color and which player goes first

Finally this is what the game looks like with a nice toast at the end of the game.


Above is an example of a true false question with a toast giving the user feedback.

My quiz also has multiple choice questions like the one above

Fill in the Blank questions were the hardest for me to implement but I think it turned out quite nicely.