CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2016

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Eric Dattore

Assignment 1: Trivia App

This app was created as part of the CSCI 448 Mobile Application Design class. The task was to build an Android trivia application that allowed for multiple types of questions (i.e. true/false, fill in the blank, multiple choice).

The app mostly focuses on historical and political questions. It includes a scoring mode to keep track of your current score. It doesn't allow you to score multiple times for the same question, though.

Assignment 2: Tic Tac Toe

This app was created for project 2 for CSCI 448. It's a simple Tic Tac Toe game that keeps track of your score and has a very simplistic AI to play against you.

You can play with one or two players. If there's only one player, the computer will play against you.

Assignment 3: Criminal Intent Application

This app was created for project 3 in CSCI 448. It's an app that was created out of the Big Nerd Ranch guide to Android programming. It allows you to document "crimes." You can take pictures of the crime scene, select a suspect, call the suspect, send a report, or mark the crime as solved.

Assignment 4: Marble Madness

This simple game was created to use Android hardware sensors. This game uses three hardware sensors to move a ball on screen, rotate the holes that you want to get the ball into, and the light sensor for a night mode of the game in low light conditions.

The goal of the game is to get the ball into the green hole to win. The holes rotate as you move the device. You lose the game if you get the ball into the red hole. If you're playing this game in low light conditions (or put your thumb over the light sensor) the colors will change into a darker, "night mode" variant.

Assignment 5: MapIt

This simple app allows the user to check in at their location and view all the locations they've checked into. It lets them see the weather conditions at the check in location through the use of a weather API.

All check ins are persistent and the user can delete them if they wish. They can click on one of the pre-existing markers to be reminded when they were at that location and what the weather was like at that given time.