Melvin Blishtar
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The Works of Melvin Blishtar

Lab 00 - Part A

Pyramids After being walked through the initial concepts, this part of the lab resulted in two pyramids of triangles created by different means. The first was hard coded and the second was created by calling a function three times and using transformations to position the pieces.

Lab 00 - Part B

Melenium Drop After being asked to create a 2D drawing of what our ride would look like, I used hundreds of triangles to create this masterpiece. Themed after the ancient egyptian artifact known as the Melenium Rod, this vertical drop is not for the faint of heart. My favorite feature is the decorative eye in the center of the topper, which uses a 7 line function to draw circle of a given radius using 40 well placed triangles. This function makes use of C++'s sine and cosine functions to determine the position of each triangle vertex.

Assignment 1

Melvin's Banner Given a short list of requirement, we were asked to draw out and crest to represent our character's home town along with our character's name using only OpenGL primitives.

Lab 01

Dark Triforce We were walked through the beginner steps of 2D animation using callback functionality. In the end we were able to make our pyramid drawn in Lab00 continually spin around. The spinning pyramid will also follow your mouse around the screen. The pyramid turns red when the mouse is right clicked and returns to its original gold color when the mouse button is released. You can also change the color by pressing the C key on your keyboard.

Assignment 2

Melvin Blishtar After learning how to animate our 2D drawings, we were asked to draw out our characters. Using only OpenGL primitives, Melvin Blishtar is now an animated and interactive creation. A feature of constant animation is his cape flowing in the wind. Whenever the user clicks their left mouse button, he sticks his tongue out and raises his eyebrows. The users cursor is also constantly followed by a spinning Yu-Gi-Oh card. Pressing the right mouse button will cause the spinning card to be thrown at Melvin. Once the thrown card has entered the range of his heart, it will disappear and be replaced by a new card back at the cursor. Melvin can be moved around the screen by pressing the arrow keys as well as the ASWD keys. Additionally, his cape switches sides depending on whether he's moving left or right. If the user presses SHIFT + D, Melvin will start dancing. If the user presses SHIFT + S, he will stop his dancing. Pressing either ESCAPE or Q will exit the program.

Melvin Mocks You While Dancing In this image, Melvin is dancing while sticking his tongue out at you. For you see, that's what happens if you decide to judge him for wearing as much jewelry as he does.

Lab 02

Block City We were walked through the beginner steps of drawing in 3D and setting up our camera for our virtual world. The result was a large city with buildings placed randomly along its streets. The buildings are of random heights and colors. The camera setup is a freestyle cam. Pressing W moves the camera forward and pressing S moves the camera back. Left clicking and dragging the mouse rotates the camera around to look at the world at different angles. Pressing either ESCAPE or Q will exit the program.

Between the buildings This image displays my navigational skills with the freestyle camera. The camera is pointing down a street between two buildings.

Assignment 3

Melvin's Motorcyle After learning how to animate our 3D drawings, we were asked to draw either our character or or a vehicle for them to ride on. I selected a simple motorcycle (that 15 hours to build). Using the 3D objects provided to us (code from instructor), Melvin's Motorcycle was constructed with very careful coordinate placement. A feature of constant animation is the pistons on the engine alternately oscillating up and down. Pressing (or holding down) the W key will move the bike forward while pressing S will move it backwards. The motorcycle's wheels turn in relation to which direction the bike is moving. Pressing A will turn the bike left and D will turn it right. There is some added animation where the front of the bike (handle bars, headlight, front wheel and connection pipes) turns in the direction that the vehicle is turning. Once both A and D have been released, the front of the bike will straighten out. This animation is not instantaneous, but takes the time to show a smooth transition between states. Left clicking and dragging the mouse moves the camera around the bike in an arcball fashion. If you hold down SHIFT before left clicking and dragging, the camera will zoom in and out based on whether you are dragging up or down on the screen. You can also zoom in and out using the scroll on your mouse. Pressing either ESCAPE or Q will exit the program. Added bonus, can you tell what shape the seat support is made out of?

Melvin Motorcyle turning right Melvin Motorcyle turning left

Lab 03

Bezier Curve We were walked through drawing the control cage for a Bezier curve and then drawing the curve.

Assignment 4

Meet Doomdog and his Bezier curve After learning about Bezier curves, we were asked to draw a 3D mascot to follow our character/vehicle around. The mascot would move along a Bezier curve around the vehicle and have its own animation. So, I built on my code from Assignemnt 3 by added some code from Lab 03 and adding the functionality to draw my mascot. The mascot I choose is a less detailed version of the monster "Doomdog Octhros". I'll just call him Doomdog. Anyway, the program has all of the same features as Assignment 3 with the following additions. Pressing 'y' for yellow toggles the control cage and its control points on and off. Pressing 'b' for blue toggles the Bezier curve on and off. The mascot executes constant animation with two motions. The first motion is his tails wagging back and forth. The second motion is his front and back legs lifting off the ground and then returning as if he is leaping to his next position.

Melvin's Motorcyle This image displays when both the control cage and Bezier curve have been toggled off.

Lab 04

Bezier Curve We were walked through the basics of creating different light sources and handling their featuers. This lab features a faint light emiting from the center of the 3D world and a spotlight coming from the plane of a flight simulation. The spotlight will light the elements in front of the plane. So hopefully, you won't be crashing into any buildings. We can also toggle theses lights on and off, though I don't recommend trying to fly with both lights off.

Roller Coaster Tycoon

Slifer the Sky Dragon Roller Coaster The class formed into groups of three. Combining everything we've learned so far, we were told to create a roller coaster. Ann Gustafson (Guy Fieri), Edgar Gutierrez (Florence), and I (Melvin Blishtar) decided to draw out a Slifer the Sky dragon roller coaster. The world can be made with two different input files that provide two different tracks for the coaster to follow. There are several camera options that you can chose from and toggle through using the 1-8 keys.

Split screen Just look at that awesome split screen. The main portion of the screen displays a freeCam, while the top right corner displays a first person view of the motorcycle that you can move about the world.

Lab 05

Bezier Curve Look at that sweet texturing job! I would buy that teapot!

Lab 08

Bezier Curve Where's lab 6 and 7? Well, they don't exist. We were working on the Roller Coaster Tycoon project instead. But look at this sweet hellknight hanging out on top of a metal platform!

Lab 09

Bezier Curve This lab demonstrates using shaders to texture objects. This teapot is given different colors to different pixels depending on the vertex position in our 3D world. The shaders also work to stretch just the corner of the pot and make it ocilate back and forth.

Assignment 4

Meet Doomdog and his Bezier curve Honestly hated this assignment. Then again, I didn't have enough time between other classes to really figure out what I was doing. Anyway, I used shaders and textures to create a lovely sky box to place our objects in an environment instead of a black void. There are two shading programs being used here. One is applied to our sky box and platform, while the other is applied to our object in the center (making it wonderfully colorful). I chose to have it make the object colorful since I didn't get the full lab completed and I didn't like just having a plain white blob floating in the middle of the world.

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Author: Emily Dederick
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