CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2017

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"Atlas Griswold"

This is the sign for Atlas Griswold, featuring his crest. The crest represents his hometown of Firestone, Colorado, and because he is best bros with this magic rock that talks to him through the flames. (No, it is not the Lord of Light from Game of Thrones). The font for his name is called ATLAS, because Atlas likes the ATLAS experiment at CERN and it looks futuristic. This font is available for distribution but the current version (0.01) only has the letters A, D, G, I, L, O, R, S, T, W for no specific reason.

Atlas can be found most often here in front of his ride, Ra's Revenge. But sometimes he flies around on his jet boots and eye blasts other rides for fun (sorry).

His jet boots have exhaust trails that depend on his path, but they settle down once he stops moving. When he is just hanging around he slowly bobs up and down, because his jet boots don't have the stability patch. He also swings his arms depending on where he's flying to. An engineer once told him it wasn't helping him move faster. That engineer is now in dimension C-182.

Every theme park needs a people mover, and Atlas really likes tea. With his want to share tea with everyone he designed a rocket powered cart that has a tea turret. It sprays tea in 360 degrees of herbal enjoyment. (He's still working on learning what is and isn't considered good manners).
This park needs a burn unit.

Atlas wanted to bring his knowledge of particles from the 8th dimension into the park, so he summoned an ESSENCE OF TEA to follow the tea cart. The presence of this higher dimensional being improves the taste of tea. To make it more "taste-tea".

As a member of The Okay Team, Atlas added his teacart to a coaster with room for one tea enjoying passenger. The area now has an interesting landscape, and a tank to boot.

In order to find peace from the pseudo-torture that has been this semester, Atlas visited a nice stream in Scandinavia where he found the Emerald Monkey. This has no relation to the Crystal Skull in Indiana Jones, because the ants in that movie creeped out Atlas so he promptly left the Emerald Monkey there and fled the country.