CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2016

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This is the Mines logo!

This is from Lab 1, part A.

This is from Lab 1, part B. It is the home of Hippolyta, Sarmatia, which is now present day Iran.

This is from Assignment 1. It is the name of my hero and her crest, a ruby.

This is from Lab 1. It was an introduction to animation. The triforce constantly rotates, follows the mouse, turns red when the button on the mouse is held down, and the letter 'c' makes the triforce turn red.

These screenshots are from Assignment 2. She is constantly waving with her left hand. You can see she is in different worlds and different positions on the screen, you can move her by using the WASD keys (up,left,down,right). When the cursor is to the left of Hippolyta and you hold the mouse down, she is 'good' (wearing a blue dress). When the cursor is to the right of her and you hold down the mouse, she is 'evil' (red eyes and dress). Normally, she has green eyes and a purple dress.

This screenshot is from Lab 2. It features a free cam so you can navigate through the city.

This screenshot is from Assignment 2. This program is a simple example of a flight simulator using a arcball camera model. The user can move the camera around Hippolyta. She jumps when she moves and blinks when she is not moving.

This screenshot is from Lab 3. This program is a simple example of a Bezier Curve. The picture shown is made with 7 control points.

These screenshots are from Assignment 4. This program has a Bezier Curve with a little pet moving around it. Hippolyta can also move around the grid and the program features an arcball camera.

This screenshot is from the Guild Wars. This program has a Bezier Surface and Curve.

This screenshot is from the assignment 5. This program has a skybox and lighting.

This screenshot is from the assignment 6. This program has firework particles and a skybox.

This screenshot is from the assignment 7. This program is within a skybox and is a game where Hippolyta has to avoid falling off the platform and the noxious clouds until the time runs out.

This screenshot is from the final project. This program is a simulation of the changes of the seasons on a tree, grass, and a pond. The tree's colors change from green to red to brown. The grass changes from green to brown. The pond freezes starting in the spring and defrosts in the spring. The program also changes from day to night, changing skyboxes and lighting. The user can jump to different seasons and can change the rate at which days pass. The season and day (out of 365) is displayed in the top left of the screen.