Sir Vive's Wagon

Fall 1015

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"Sir Vive"

The Heroic Crest

A banner fit for a dwarf!

Assignment 1 was to create a banner for my hero using basic shapes in GLUT. The name was the first thing needing to be created, followed by a crest.

The Hero Himself

Stay away from my booze!

Assignment 2 was to create your hero, complete with animation, mouse interaction, and keyboard motion around the window. He will move around the window by the arrow keys, look at the mouse when it is on screen, and get angry if he thinks your trying to grab his booze by clicking. His eyebrow and right arm move when he is happy, and both eyebrows and his sword arm move when he is mad.

The First Quest

Blasted Snakes!

This optional assignment was to create a 2d game, implementing animation, keyboard interaction and mouse interaction. We find Sir Vive out for a lovely stroll along the pier, when suddenly vicious sea-serpents show up and attempt to steal his booze! If he kills enough, he can make a profit selling their heads, but watch out, they get thirstier and thirstier as time goes on. The occational beer floating by can refill his stock, but you need to mouse over it to do so. Use the arrow keys to line up his sword swing with the serpents, then hold left click to attack them.

Out For a Ride

Too Much Booze!

Oooooh, looks like Sir Vive had too much booze while fighting snakes, as he drives off of the pier to sell those snakeheads, the forest begins to look a little strange. This assignment was to create a 3d world and a 3d object which drives around it, followed by an arcball cam. Pushing 'w' moves the car forward, 's' moves it back, 'a' turns it left and 'd' turns it right. Left click and drag repositions the camera, and ctrl left click zooms in and out.


Not enought time

I ran out of time on this one, due to a takehome test consuming all of my hours. This one has the same functionality as the previous one, but it also has a fly orbiting a bezier curve.


Dwarf in Space

This is my teams GuildWars project, where Sir Vive somehow finds himself in a race on a rainbow, in space. It contains four heros, Sir Vive, Not Sure, IB Trollinston and Mogdin Baramud. Not Sure moves about the bezier surface, while Sir Vive and IB Trollinston race around a track. Mogdin Baramud hovers in place, and flys overtop of Not Sure when the c key is pressed. Sir Vive lets his competitive nature known by honking continuously whenever IB Trollenston comes near.

The magic in the Canyon

A Strange Scene!

This assignment was to implement textures and vector shaders in the environment. After Sir Vive retured from space, he found himself teleported to a strange canyon, which had a floating runic cube over a shockingly white lady. Sir Vive thinks that, after the strange forest, rainbows in space and now this, maybe he should lay off the booze. Then he takes a swig of his booze.

The Magic in the Canyon

New Revelations!

This assignment was to create a particle system in the form of a fountain, which is read in through a file. I ran out of time to implement the billboarding or shading to the particles, however. Sir Vive's decition to keep drinking has rewarded him with the sudden apperance of a fountain of magical sparks from the cube. He is not suprized.

The Great Attack

Enemies Arrive!

This assignment was to create a system of enemies that chase down the hero. Suddenly, the fountain turned off but a multitude of white balls appeared and began rushing at Sir Vive. If he avoided them for long enough they all floated away, but more came in their place. Is this the end of Sir Vive???

Camel In Trouble

A Poor Camel Desperate for Water!

Sir Vive survided the assult, and now has magic powers. The first thing he did was create a fountain for a poor thirsty camel, but alas, it came along with several flowting barrels. Can the camel reach the water, or will Sir Vives magic affect it too?