CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2015

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This program draws simple character to the screen and then allows the user to interact with the character by moving the character around the screen with different inputs.

The user is able to move the character around using w,a,s,d (up, left, down, right) and with different controls given to the mouse. While ctrl is pressed the user can use a left mouse click/hold to move the character around the screen and the mouse scroll to zoom into the character.

The user is able to drive the hero's car using w,a,s,d. They are also able to control the camera as an arc-ball camera. The camera is moved while the left mouse button is clicked + the mouse is moved and is zoomed when ctrl + left click + mouse movement.

The hero is able to drive around the world using the same controls as earlier but now is accompanied with a faithful companion that flies around the hero. Unfortunately this faithful companion is only good for saying "HEY LISTEN!!." At least for now....

There are now three heros that are able to be switched upon and all heros do different things. One hero follows a normalize Bezier path in space while the other two can navigate through the map with their own headlights and an ambient light to see. The whole project was a culmination of everything that has been learned and lectured up until this point.

This game added a lot atmosphere where now there is a more real environment to wander around in as well as a pretty fountain to look at!

A 3d game where you drive around in the environment trying to evade enemies on a tile surface. The point of the game is to kill as many of the enemies by having them hit each other and getting them mixed up together. The game starts as soon as it starts execution and then ends once the user has been caught. Once the user is caught the screen turns red ( ode to 007 golden-eye on N64 ) and all animation will freeze. The camera can still be controlled and the shader toggle will still work.

If the user falls off the game arena the game the car will start to fall (shortly followed by the enemies depending on how close they were when you fell off )

THE FINAL PROJECT OF THE YEAR!!!! We made a dogfighting sort of game where there are two users that can flay a ship around our world and shoot each other. There were many obstacles that needed to be overcome in shaders and in game-play in order to get the final game. As of now there is per fragment shading on the space ships and the take off plane and normal mapping on the take off plane.