CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2015

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Final project! Worked on a team with Chris Butler and Kevin Carbaugh to recreate scenes from "Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time." We ended up having a sweet product! The most challenging part was the rigging and skinning done in blender and exporting the data to a md5mesh to load a mesh with animation.

Worked on getting a particel system of bad guys to spawn around the hero. If any of the objects move off the world surface, they fall to their deaths! The bad guys flock to the hero.

Look at the cool particel system! We made a fountain using a new tecnique learned in class, call a particel system. Bassicly, a bunch of objects are created that all live in the system. Each have some kind of random asspect that create a sweet visual effect. They can be used for fire, smoke, clouds, hair, ect. This list is huge!

For assignment 5, we created a shadowy figure. The model is created using a vertex and fragment shader.

Midterm project. Worked in a guild with Incallidus to create a amazing world.

After my long travels, I found a small creature trapped. After I saved the small animal, it began flying around my head, explaining that I am now friend due to this kind deed. She introduced herself as Akkkin, the dragon of wits and knowledge. I'm glad, the lands here are foren, there are no trees or bushes and the hills no longer have a kind shape.

We learned how to use Bezier Curves! Calculating the curves involve a really cool equation or a simple recursive trace.

Created a 3D world for my hero to run around in. He found a simple cart that helps him navigate the difficult terrain.

Run! Don't get hit by the falling stone. How many can you hit with your mighty battle axes before a blow to the skull?

In due time, I shall learn how to use my fathers sword.

My name is Firnen. My flag shall hang above all those who threaten my lands!