CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2015

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"Dibstix Lokpix"

For the first assignment we created a banner for the hero. Mine is below.

The second assignment had us create our hero and add interaction using callbacks and timers. For mine, you can move the hero around with the wasd keys, change the color of the sun with the position of the mouse, change the size of the sun with left and right mouseclicks, and uses a timer to constantly move the hero's head as well as change the scale of the sun. A few screenshots of different states can be seen below.

The third assignment had us create our hero, or a vehicle for the hero to navigate around a 3d scene and allow for manipulation of an arcball camera.

The fourth assignment had us create our hero, or a vehicle for the hero to navigate around a 3d scene while a pet followed the bezier curve.

The fifth assignment had us create a scene within a skybox, including another textured object, and an imported object from an .obj file. The hero can move around the world and includes an arcball camera that targets the hero. Vertex and Fragment shaders were also supposed to be compiled and applied to an object.

There is a wind particle system which interacts with a visible rain particle system that can be spawned by the player and lasts a few seconds. The rain will bounce off the ground with a reduced velocity and shortly after decay. The rain will not be moved by the wind if it is not near the wind, as they can't collide.

The fifth assignment had us create a scene within a skybox, including another textured object, and an imported object from an .obj file. The hero can move around the world and includes an arcball camera that targets the hero. Vertex and Fragment shaders were also supposed to be compiled and applied to an object.

The first team assignment had us draw each of our heroes in a scene with objects that use materials, multiple cameras and viewpoints, as well as characters being controlled and characters following an arcpath.

The second team assignment we ended up making a pinball game with shaders, materials, sound, lighting, animation, a particle system and last but not least: player interaction!