CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2015

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All Might

Above, the hero All Might is drawn! The hero's helmet hair moves back and forth, and the 'a' and 'd' keys may be used to move him left and right. In addition, if you click and drag the mouse within the window, All Might will swing his sword at your command.

Pictured is the Might Kart. All Might uses this vehicle for transportation. The vehicle moves forward and backward with 'w' and 's', and can rotate heading with 'a' and 'd'. The world has an arcball camera which can be rotated by clicking and dragging with the left mouse button, and zoomed by holding the 'ctrl' button before clicking.

This program builds off of the previous one. The kart is still drawn and moves with 'wasd', and the camera still follows the arcball model. In addition, the program reads bezier curve control points from a csv file as a command line argument. The curve is computed and plotted, along with the control cage, with the kart at the center. A pet is drawn and continuously follows the blue curve while flapping its wings and following the kart. The right mouse button brings up the menu, where the curve and its cage can be toggled on/off, and quit will exit the program.

Guild Wars

Above, the guild is shown training. This program demonstrates bezier curves and surfaces, lighting and materials, as well as 3d camera models and animation. Three heroes are training, two of which follow a track. One follows by parameter, and the other by arc length. The third hero can be controlled by wasd when he is the center of the arcball camera. Right click to bring up the menu and switch between camera models for each hero.


All Might is shown in Vanaheim. The scene demonstrates the use of a skybox and an .obj file for the statue. In addition, the .obj is rendered using my own definition for the vertex and fragment shaders. The shaders written are still just passthrough (they perform the default operations). The user can move All Might with 'wasd' and control the arcball camera by clicking and dragging.


All Might in the rainy country side. The program creates rain using a particle system. Each particle has a transparency enables texture, and is just a quad rotated to face the camera (called billboarding). A custom shader is used to darken the color of each drop as it ages.


All Might is fending off beasts while collecting pellets for the kingdom. This program is a simple game where you must survive as long as possible and collect pellets. Each pellet collected spawns a new enemy. The enemies are a flocking particle system which are attracted to All Might and bounce off of each other. You lose if you walk off the map or run into an enemy.


Above, a dogfight between an X-Wing, TIE Fighters, and dreaded rocks is playing out. The program demonstrates the use of models, texture, and shaders. Shaders are used to move the stars (a skybox texture), give lasers a glowing effect, and shake and shade red the ship when it is hit. Collision detection is also used between the ships and lasers. WASD moves the ship, spacebar shoots lasers.