CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts (C++)

Fall 2016 - Lab 04B

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This lab is due by September 21, 2016 08:00am.

Multiple Rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

In Assignment 03, you created a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock that the user could play. Annoyingly, the user could only play one game at a time. For this lab, you will use your A03 submission or use the Rock, Paper, Scissors code and modify the contents.

Before a game begins, you should first ask the user how many rounds they would like to play. Using a for loop, allow the user to play N rounds where N is the number the user entered.

After each round, keep track if the user won, lost, or tied. After N round have been played, print out the user's final stats - how many total games were won, lost, and tied with a win percentage. Consider a tie as counting as half a win and half a loss. A sample game is shown below:

How many rounds would you like to play? 4

Round #1 of 4
Welcome one and all to a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock! (Enter your choice)
Player one: Rock
Computer: Lizard
Rock beats Lizard. You win!
Your record: 1-0-0 (100.0%)

Round #2 of 4
Welcome one and all to a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock! (Enter your choice)
Player one: Scissors
Computer: Rock
Rock beats Scissors. Computer wins!
Your record: 1-1-0 (50.00%)

Round #3 of 4
Welcome one and all to a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock! (Enter your choice)
Player one: Rock
Computer: Lizard
Rock beats Lizard. You win!
Your record: 2-1-0 (66.67%)

Round #4 of 4
Welcome one and all to a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock! (Enter your choice)
Player one: Spock
Computer: Spock
Spock ties Spock. It's a draw!
Your record: 2-1-1 (62.50%)

Lab Submission

You will submit your solution to this lab with the rest of Week04. Detailed instructions for doing this are posted in Assignment 04.

This lab is due by September 21, 2016 08:00am.
Last Updated: 01/01/70 00:00

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