CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts (C++)

Fall 2016 - Assignment 06 - Naïve Blackjack

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This assignment is due by October 05, 2016 08:00am.

In this homework, we will combine everything we've learned so far with a focus on struct and string.


For this assignment, your job is to create a simple Blackjack game where a user plays against a computerized Dealer.

The Specifics

You must first create a struct named Card to represent a playing card. It should have two fields, a rank stored as an int and a suit stored as a string.

Next create a function that generates a random Card variable (perhaps call it RandomCard). Since this is Naïve Blackjack, we do not care if two cards are in play at once or how many of each card are available. This function should generate a random rank for the card (between 1-10) and a random suit for the card. The function should take nothing as input and return a Card as output.

At this point, everything is in place to start our game. Follow this pseudocode to complete the remainder of the assignment:
  1. While the Player wants to play:
    1. Deal a card to the Dealer, print the card, and display the Dealer's total
    2. Deal a card to the Player, print the card, and display the Player's total
    3. While the Player's total is less than or equal to 21:
      1. Deal a card to the Player, print the card, and display the Player's total
      2. If the Player's total is greater than 21, the Player busts. Go to Step #9
      3. Ask the Player if they want to "Hit" or "Stand". The user should type in "Hit" or "Stand" and you must store their response as a string.
      4. If they entered "Hit", return to step #5. If they entered "Stand" go on to Step #9
    4. If Player hasn't busted and while Dealer Total is less than 17:
      1. Deal a card to the Dealer, print the card, and display the Dealer's total
    5. Determine who wins the hand based on Player total and Dealer total
    6. Ask Player if they want to play again, "Yes" or "No". Again, the user should type in "Yes" or "No" and you must store their response as a string.
    7. If they entered "Yes", go back to Step #2. Otherwise quit the program.
It looks like a lot of steps, but the majority of those steps are describing the rules of Blackjack. Once completed, hopefully you find this assignment enjoyable to play and try to beat the computer. Sample output and program flow could be as follows:

Dealer shows the 3 of Clubs
Dealer total is: 3
You were dealt the 3 of Clubs
You were dealt the 7 of Hearts
Your total is: 10
Do you want to "Hit", "Stand"?
> Hit
You were dealt the 3 of Diamonds
Your total is: 13
Do you want to "Hit", "Stand"?
> Hit
You were dealt the 6 of Spades
Your total is: 19
Do you want to "Hit", "Stand"?
> Stand
Dealer was dealt the 6 of Diamonds
Dealer total is: 9
Dealer was dealt the 6 of Hearts
Dealer total is: 15
Dealer was dealt the 7 of Spades
Dealer total is: 22
Dealer busted!  You win
Do you want to play again?  "Yes" or "No"?
> No

We will revisit this assignment later to make a smarter Blackjack game where our cards are correctly limited to a standard 52 card deck.

Functional Requirements

  • Do not use global variables! If you are using a global variable in multiple functions, then you should be passing that variable into the function. If you use global variables, you will lose points so get out of the global variable shorcut habit.
  • You must declare a Card struct and use Card variables throughout your program and functions.
  • The user must be inputting strings and you should be comparing string values.


  • You will need to use loops (perhaps while and/or do-while), branching, and functions to complete this assignment.
  • Dealing a card is nothing more than calling our RandomCard function.
  • This function will probably prove helpful to you:
 * Converts a number between 0 and 3 to a corresponding
 * playing card suit
string ConvertIntToSuit( int suitNum ) {
    switch( suitNum ) {
    case 0:
        return "Hearts";
    case 1:
        return "Clubs";
    case 2:
        return "Diamonds";
    case 3:
        return "Spades";

Grading Rubric

Your submission will be graded according to the following rubric.

PercentageRequirement Description
15%Labs completed
65%Naïve Blackjack Game is playable and meets functional requirements outlined above
20%(1) Comments used (2) Coding style followed (3) Appropriate variable names, constants, and data types used (4) Instructions followed (5) Assignment compiles


Always, always, ALWAYS update the header comments at the top of your main.cpp file. And if you ever get stuck, remember that there is LOTS of help available.

In summary, for homework due on Wednesday, October 05 follow these specific steps:
  • create a directory called week06.
  • within week06, create three subdirectories: Lab06A, Lab06B, and A06.
  • within your new week06/Lab06A directory, copy in your main.cpp file and any other files you created (*.h, *.cpp) from your Lab06A solution.
  • within your new week06/Lab06B directory, copy in your main.cpp file and any other files you created (*.h, *.cpp) from your Lab06B solution.
  • within your new week06/A06 directory, copy in your main.cpp file and any other files you created (*.h, *.cpp) from your A06 solution.
  • compress the week06 directory (see Step 3 here for details).
  • submit the file to Blackboard (see Steps 5-10 here for details).
  • after you submit, download the file and double check it contains all that you think it contains!

This assignment is due by October 05, 2016 08:00am.
Last Updated: 01/01/70 00:00

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